Why Teacher Applicants Are Unprepared When Applying For A Teaching Job Know Yourself
十一 02

#1:  Do Your Homework

            Consider job hunting a full-time occupation. Remember, the best-prepared candidate has the competitive edge in a job search.


#2:  Build Your Resume and Knowledge Base

            Your preparation begins here.  Identify your strengths as a prospective teacher, asses your weaknesses, and work continually to improve your qualifications.



  • If you are uncertain how you would answer an interview question about a specific teaching technique, prepare yourself by reading a book or journal article in advance.
  • The greatest deficiency of a young candidate just out of college is lack of experience.  If this is your situation, volunteer at a school or tutor children at the grade level you want to teach. 
  • For a parent returning to the teaching force after raising a family maybe lack of knowledge about changes in the field since she last taught.  If this applies to you, take education courses online or at a local college and subscribe to a professional journal.


#3:  Be Yourself

            Be yourself and express your beliefs passionately.  Your task when applying for a teaching position is to shine a spotlight on your special qualities.  You must reveal your extraordinary qualities or you will join most of the other job seekers in the reject pile.  Failure to stand out from the crown is the most common mistake unsuccessful teacher candidates make.


#4:  Target Your Strengths to the School’s Needs

            Administrators recruiting teacher candidates are not searching for a generic “good teacher”; they are looking to address specific needs in their schools. 



Think About This:

 Failure to stand out from the crown is the most common mistake unsuccessful teacher candidates make.

One Response to “Why Teacher Applicants Are Unprepared When Applying For A Teaching Job”

  1. craig Says:

    fellowfeeling@stations.cheshire” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…

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